Soft Credits

Instructions for configuring and using this integration with Rock RMS.


A soft credit applies when a donation is made on behalf of another individual or entity, such as a business or foundation. In these cases:

  • The donor (person or business) receives a hard credit.

  • The designated recipient receives a soft credit.

The Soft Credits Plugin enables your church to assign and track soft credit donations, providing visibility into contributions that support individuals or organizations beyond the direct donor.

Key Features

The Soft Credits Plugin allows you to:

  1. Establish hard and soft credit relationships between different Rock profiles (individuals and businesses).

  2. Edit existing transactions to ensure accurate hard and soft credit assignments.

  3. View all soft credit transactions using date range filters and other relevant criteria.

  4. Include soft credit details on giving statements.


  • Ted Decker owns Tip Top Tree Shop.

  • Tip Top Tree Shop makes a donation.

  • As a result:

    • A hard credit is assigned to Tip Top Tree Shop.

    • A soft credit is assigned to Ted Decker.

Installation & Configuration

System Job: Sync Soft Credits

When the Soft Credits Plugin is installed, a system job called "Sync Soft Credits" is automatically added. This job runs daily at midnight and ensures that soft credit is assigned to the designated recipient.

Including Soft Credits in Giving Statements

After installing the plugin, a Lava shortcode will be available in Admin Tools > CMS Configuration > Lava Shortcodes. This shortcode can be added to your giving statement template to include soft credit transaction details.

Steps to Add Soft Credits to Giving Statements:

  1. Navigate to Finance > Financial Settings and select the Statement Template you wish to update.

  2. Paste the Lava shortcode in the desired location within the template.

{[ softcreditsstatement personid:'{{Person.Id}}' startdate:'{{StatementStartDate}}' enddate:'{{StatementEndDate}}' ]} 
  1. Save the changes to update the giving statement format.

Preparing for End-of-Year Contribution Statements

Before generating end-of-year statements, you must ensure that you are using Rock v14.2 or later. The required version of the Statement Generator can be downloaded here: Statement Generator v1.14.2

This version allows you to modify endpoints used for downloading contributions.

Steps to Configure the Statement Generator:

  1. Open the Statement Generator and log in.

  2. Click on the Tools button in the top-left corner.

  3. Select Options from the dropdown menu.

  1. Adjust the necessary settings, then click Save.

  2. Process your statements as usual.

Usage: Establishing the Hard and Soft Credit Relationship

Assigning Soft Credit to a Person for a Business Profile

To designate a person to receive soft credit for a business profile, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Finance > Businesses.

  2. Select the business you want to update.

  3. Click Edit.

  4. Locate the Soft Credit Recipient attribute.

  1. Select the person who should receive the soft credit.

  2. Save the changes.

Updating an Existing Transaction

Note: Establishing a hard and soft credit relationship does not retroactively update past transactions. The relationship applies only to future transactions.

Viewing All Soft Credits

To view all assigned soft credits, go to:

  • Finance > Soft Credits

This section allows you to filter and review soft credit transactions efficiently.

Last updated